Approximately 40% of Bulgarian furniture production is export-oriented, mainly to Italy, France, Germany, the Arab countries and the USA. Last year development of export of furniture and wooden products from Bulgaria indicated a rise. Subject to export are mainly elements for pallets, boards and to a smaller extent - dimensional lumber. In terms of furniture, export is made of chairs, upholstered and massive wood furniture, mostly oak. Till June import of furniture dropped by 40%, while export - rise by 30%. In respect of timber, import indicates a drop by 50%, while export from Bulgaria increased by the minimum level of 8%.

The main importers in Bulgaria are Poland and China. Recently furniture is imported also from Vietnam. More and more preference is given to the imported tables, chairs, modular cabinets and bedrooms. The main reason for this is that the Polish and Chinese furniture is cheaper than the Bulgarian. In Poland furniture production processes are automated, within minimal participation of human labor. Apart from that Poland produces its own furniture chipboards, while Bulgarian factories import those from Germany and Austria. In China labor is cheap and more importantly qualified, because there is very good secondary education for furniture production specialists. The Bulgarian furniture industry has yet  options  to develop its sales in Serbia, where the revival of furniture factories is delayed, and in Russia, where 50% of furniture is imported.